These days, essential oils seem to be everywhere. When discussing an ailment or problem, you’ve probably heard the response, “You know there’s an oil for that.” Whether you diffuse oils in your home, mix them with water for cleaning, or apply them topically to your skin, there are many uses for essential oils. One of the most common and affordable essential oils is lavender. Below, you will find five different ways to use this versatile oil.

1. Diffused before bedtime

If you have trouble falling asleep at night, try diffusing lavender as part of your bedtime routine. Lavender is known to soothe and calm anxious minds. If you don’t own a diffuser, try adding several drops to a spray bottle of water and mist over your pillow.

2. As lip balm

Lavender is also known for its antimicrobial properties. If your lips are often dry and chapped, rub a drop or two of lavender directly onto your lips. Top with shea butter or coconut oil to help seal in the moisture and healing. Apply to your lips before bed or after you’ve been outside in the elements.

3. To soothe allergies

When seasonal allergies strike, choose a natural remedy instead of over-the-counter drugs. Add equal parts lavender, peppermint, and lemon essential oils to a glass roller-ball bottle and top off with your choice of carrier oil. Rub under your nose or on your temples to help soothe your runny nose or watery eyes. This healing trio also smells heavenly!

4. In home-made diaper rash cream

Lavender can be mixed with coconut oil or shea butter to create a sweet-smelling, toxin-free diaper rash cream. Before applying to your baby’s bottom, check with your pediatrician and test a small spot on your baby’s arm or leg to ensure there are no allergies. Additionally, this cream can be applied to small cuts or burns.

5. As a flavoring agent

As long as you’ve purchased oils that are food-grade and labeled as ingestible, lavender can be used in food or drink. Lavender can dress up plain water or tea, and it can also be added to marinades to help soften heavy acidic flavors. Impress your dinner guests by serving lavender-infused chocolate as part of a decadent dessert.

As you can see, lavender essential oil has many different uses. For the best results, make sure you purchase therapeutic-grade oils that have not been diluted by the bottler. Be sure your oil is labeled ingestible or food-grade if adding to food or drink. With its wide range of applications, lavender should be a part of any basic essential oil collection.


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